The little male pup is already doin' well "keepin' up with the big dogs". He likes to sit on my boot when I stop walkin in the timber. I take that as a good sign since all the dogs I have owned that do that when they are tiny end up making squirrel dogs that are in tune to what you want them to do and hunt FOR you. Anyone that has had a dog hunt for you, rather than themselves understands what I mean.
I am callin' this little dude, Gray's John Colter. Some of you may have heard about John Colter, he was a mountain man. Born in Augusta County, VA...Member of the Lewis & Clark Expedition...First European in the Yellowstone area...mapped extensive areas of the West...the inspiration for the movie "The Naked Prey" in which the real John Colter was forced to run for his life ahead of a pack of Blackfoot braves after his companion, John Potts (also a member of the Lewis & Clark Expedition), was dismembered in front of him.
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